Preparing to Design SEL Experiences for Our Students: (STUDY ARTICLES)
- Tominey, S.L., O'Bryon, E. C., Rivers, S.E., & Shapses, S. (2017). Teaching emotional intelligence in early childhood. Young Children, 72, 6-14.
- Harper, L.J. (2016). Preschool through primary grades: Using picture books to promote social-emotional literacy. Young Children, 71, 80-86.
- TEA's Building Skills Related to Managing Emotions, Establishing and Maintaining Positive Relationships, and Responsible Decision-Making
- TEA's Mental Health and Behavioral Health
- TEA's Advancing Behavioral Health Collaborations To Ensure Student Success: School – Mental Health Resource Guide
Experiencing SEL Learning~Our In-Class Project: (Steps & Procedures)
- FIRST: After reading our articles on SEL, select a children's book from your group that could be used to supports SEL.
- Challenge: Take the selected book and construct a QUICK (1 to 2 Min.) skit/story (RETELLING THE STORY or AN ALTERNATIVE STORY ) supporting SEL principles with that could be used in an elementary classroom.
- Use a GOOGLE SLIDES, everyone signs in to shared GOOGLE SLIDES PRESENTATION, to plan and create the skit on a STORYBOARD. LINK: EXAMPLE
- After you have a storyboard ready, now we will add some technology fun (GREEN SCREEN). Please select someone from your group to complete a planning form for the group. LINK: GREEN SCREEN PLANNING REPORT
- Now as a group, divide and conquer. Everyone has a job reported in the GREEN SCREEN PLANNING REPORT. GO FORTH AND GET EVERYTHING READY.
- Technology: We will use the video and photo camera with an APP called GREEN SCREEN by Do-Ink on an assigned Ipad. LINK: HOW-TO Instructions
- Please send the person you designated as the camera operator and editor to see me for a quick tutorial on the Ipad and Do-Ink App.
- Complete it: Film, edit your work and complete the project... CLICK ON THE GREEN SCREEN WORK! (SEE BELOW)
Examples of My Teachers' Green Screen WORK (SEL ExperienceS)

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More Examples of Green Screen Work

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